Due to the similar game play mechanics of Among Us, there are many people who have flocked to Dread Hunger in droves. Because of this, some people have ended up getting lost along the way, and they need some beginner tips.

7 Figure What Items To Craft Ahead Of Time

Players can craft items that will aid them in their game play, regardless of whether or not they are one of the crewmates or one of the thralls. Players will have a small inventory, so it is best to simply craft only what a player will need.

Generally, it is a good idea for a player - crew or thrall - to craft barrels and ice picks, first things first. The ice picks are to be used to scale up icebergs, and to be used as a weapon. The barrels can be used for carrying things, such as coal.

6 Classes Are Meaningful

There are multiple different classes for a player to pick through (not just the general choice of being a crewmate or a thrall). Each class has a different bonus to be used during game play, so it is best to choose wisely.

For example, a Hunter can harvest meat much faster than other classes. However, no matter what class a crewmate is, every person shares the same goal of wanting to either finish working on the ship and get away from the thralls. (In the thralls’ case, the goal is to kill and eat everyone.)

5 Push The Ship To The End

Although Among Us and Dread Hunger have a similar enough concept, the method of game play is actually pretty different. The main goal of Dread Hunger is not to discover who the thralls are; instead, it’s best to try and get the ship running as soon as possible.

One very effective strategy that players have discovered is to completely ignore the threat of thralls and to instead solely focus on working on the ship. The goal is not to kill thralls; it will be a lot slower and riskier than just working on the ship.

4 Don’t Be Afraid To Kill Crewmates

Fortunately, Dread Hunger does not put such a heavy reliance of crewmates on the player. There will only be a few chances for a player to see a thrall throughout a game, and if the opportunity arises with even a hint of doubt, it’s alright for a player to kill anyone suspicious.

For example, thralls can store gunpowder in their barrels, while crewmates can’t. If a crewmate doesn’t show the contents of their barrel, or otherwise acts suspicious in any way, it’s alright to kill them. Players can win the game, even with a dead crewmate or two.

3 Don’t Explore Too Much

It is very dangerous to go out exploring through the map of the game. The main goal is to get the ship running, and wandering off too far from the main goal will actively hurt the entire team in this.

There is no telling what can happen if a player wanders off away from the ship. For one thing, a thrall could get to the player, and that is if they aren’t mauled by bears, or hopelessly lose their way trying to get back. It is for the best to stay put.

2 Thralls Don’t Need To Stay Hidden

For a player who is playing as the thrall, they may think that they need to stay hidden, or to try and blend in effortlessly. This is not how Dread Hunger plays; a thrall does not win by staying alive to the end of the game.

Instead, a thrall should take the time to gather up their own materials, preparing for the destruction of the crew. While it is a good idea to at least look somewhat normal, it should not be the only thing a player playing as the thrall should be worried about.

1 Don’t Ignore Coal

While playing as a thrall, a player may think that coal is not useful to them, and that they should instead spend all of their effort on collecting gunpowder. This is a logical thought process, but one that will actually hinder a player.

A player can actually manage their inventory well enough to craft a large bomb with the coal that they gather. This, in turn, will give them a large amount of gunpowder. On top of this, thralls will look more normal collecting coal than they will gunpowder - if asked to show their barrel, they can show a barrel of coal.

Dread Hunger is available on Microsoft Windows.

More: Among Us: Telltale Signs Of An Impostor