Many players of Earthbound Beginnings will want beginner tips to ease them in. Though the game is similar to Earthbound, its differences will make it harder for a new player to get into it without knowing these particular tips. Gameplay isn’t just attacking and healing in Earthbound Beginnings; there’s a bit more to it.

7 Get The First Few Levels From Ninten’s Basement

Ninten’s basement is filled with rats, which is good for players who are just starting out. These rats will always be a little easier to defeat than enemies outside the house, because they’re weaker.

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A player can easily grind out these rats until they’re about level 4. At this point, they will have a fighting chance outside, and can venture out into the world of the game to take on more threatening enemies.

6 Don’t Use Ana’s Freeze Or Thunder

Ana will be the one who uses magic damage in a player’s team. She touts skills such as PK Freeze, PK Beam, and PK Fire. Of course, though, some skills are worse than others. PK Freeze and PK Thunder are two of those skills.

At least with PK Freeze, a player can wait until they unlocked PK Freeze’s gamma upgrade in other to use it. PK Thunder should be left in the dust, though — it is by far Ana’s least useful attack. However, PK Beam is always going to be useful, so keep that one in mind for tough battles.

5 Merrysville Carries Boomerangs, So Stock Up

It’s no secret to players of Earthbound Beginnings that Boomerangs are one of the best weapons for anyone to use. Even though there are a few better weapons here and there, Boomerangs can be used for a majority of the game.

Shockingly, a Boomerang can be bought as early as in the town of Merrysville. They should be equipped on Ana, Ninten, and Lloyd until Lloyd can get and equip the Air Gun. Ninten and Ana won’t need Boomerangs once they are able to get both Hank’s Bat and the Iron Skillet, respectively, but they make for good starter weapons.

4 Find The Best Armor In Magicant

Similar to Boomerangs being carried in Merrysville, the town of Magicant supplies some of the best armor within the game. A player shouldn’t even worry about getting other types of armor once they’ve gotten enough money to buy the armor from Magicant; nothing else is close to as good.

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There are also pendants that players can buy here. The H2O Pendant is considered to be the best in slot for everyone, as it halves all damage that they take from fire attacks, such an enemy’s dying explosion. The Sea Pendant also resists all the three elements.

3 Keep The Sword From Magicant’s Cave

There is a cave in Magicant known as the Crystal Cave. Inside it is Inside it is a sword that most players — who don’t know any better — would be tempted to sell and leave at that. This is a grievous mistake, as it’s Teddy’s second-best weapon.

Players should keep this sword instead of selling it, and wait for Teddy to join the party. It should then be equipped on him as soon as he joins, as it will make battles much easier. The sword, though easy to overlook, is important.

2 It’s Not Hard To Run Away

Although there are no random battles in Earthbound Beginnings — a player can see them coming from a mile away — it’s also easy to run away during battle. Maybe the player realizes they’re too weak for a fight, or that they don’t have the right equipment on their characters.

Either way, though there’s a chance to fail, all characters can attempt to run. If a player doesn’t want to leave it to chance and wants to guarantee their escape, they can also use a skill called 4th-D Slip (otherwise known as Dimension Slip). It does cost PP, but can save the party from enemies that are too high-level.

1 Use Super Spray To Instantly Kill Bugs

The Super Spray can be used indefinitely, once a player picks it up in Duncan’s Factory. It’s one of the strongest items in the game because of this, and because it will instantly kill all bug-type enemies (that includes spiders).

A player who gets into a fight with any bug-type enemy once they acquire the Super Spray will be able to kill them with the simple press of a button. However, it must also be noted that players can’t kill Titanians and Titanees with the Super Spray, unlike in Mother 3.

Earthbound Beginnings is available on Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy Advance, and the Wii U.

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