While there are lots of people that can take to the game of PlateUp! relatively quickly, there are still other people who might not really understand what is going on. There are some beginner tips that anyone, whether experienced or not, can use to improve with.
7 Get a Research Table Quick
The research table is one of the most important things for a player to put in their kitchen. The research table should usually come with the blueprints to the kitchen at first (though there are times that it does not, so the player will have to buy it).
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Essentially, the research table is where a player can slowly upgrade their kitchen over time. For example, a player can turn a sink into a dishwasher with the research table; though it may not immediately give results, it can remove the randomness of upgrading things in PlateUp!.
6 Try to Keep the Kitchen Simple
While it may be tempting to go all out in the kitchen and put as much as a player can into it, it would actually be a better idea to keep the kitchen simple at first and then slowly upgrade it over time. This is not just because of the monetary cost of upgrading things.
A player wants to ensure that they keep their kitchen simple when they begin the game, so this way they always just have the bare essentials and nothing extraneous. There is nothing worse than decking out a player’s kitchen, only to fail because they do not have enough money.
5 Start with Upgrading the Sink
The sink is probably the best thing for a player to start with when it comes to upgrading everything that they have in PlateUp. This is because one of the most important things that a player has to deal with is the dishes – dirty dishes on the table mean that a customer cannot sit there.
A player will run out of dishes eventually if they do not start washing them, either. No dishes mean no more customers can be served unless some of them are washed.
4 Prepping for Meals is Always Important
Just like in real life, it would be easier on a player if they prepped for meals ahead of time before they started cooking. It does not really take that long to prepare quite a few meals, and it will benefit the player in the long run.
For example, a player can cook a pizza ahead of time, which can be served to four people. Those are four orders that a player will instantly have ready for their customers, which cuts out a lot of time that would be spent waiting for things to cook if they were made to order.
3 Get Some Plates on the Table
It would be a good idea for a player to plant down some plates on all the tables in their restaurant before they start cooking. This is because it will free up some space on the kitchen counter for the player to cook as much as possible.
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It is always for the best to ensure a player has many time-saving techniques as possible. Getting as much food out is one of the player’s biggest goals, and getting clean plates on the table is a good way to speed up everything.
2 Multiplayer Can Make Things Easier on a Player
Surprisingly, PlateUp! is a game that can be played in a multiplayer setting. While there are many reasons why someone would play this title in single-player mode, it is worth noting that multiplayer can take some of the load off the player.
By being able to play with two or more people, the team of players can work together. No one will have too many tasks to manage at once, and can delegate who deals with what; it can be a good idea for a player who has many friends but can not handle it by themselves.
1 Pick Up Dirty Plates to Clear Up Tables
While it would seriously do a player good to make sure that they always wash off dirty dishes to use with other customers, it is not always necessary for a player to clean the dishes to open new tables.
Something that a lot of players of PlateUp! might not realize is that they do not have to wash the dishes in order to clear up space. It is recommended, but players can actually work around it by picking up the dirty plate and putting it back down to fool the game.
PlateUp! is available on PC.
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