Well, a few years back, it was a luxury to own a phone and if it had an unlimited Internet connection we could show off. However, things change with the introduction of smartphones. The phones started being viewed as minicomputer systems that could perform almost all tasks for which we needed a system earlier. This, no doubt, marked a milestone in the history of mobile phone development but also led to unwanted addiction that was hard to get rid of. A major section of our population lives under constant fear of living without their smartphone, and there is a term for this, Nomophobia. You too have it, maybe it is not severe but you too will feel like living in caves if the Internet connection is being interrupted for a few days!

If you are one of those who are a lot dependent on your smartphone, then possibly it’s time to take action and get rid of it. It won’t take much effort, but if this gets out of hand, you might need a shrink to help you! We know that smartphones are an essential part of your life now, but taking baby steps is all you need to break smartphone addiction. So, let’s get started and know about some ways that are proven effective for this!

1. Limit Phone Usage

We aren’t suggesting that you should decide on a particular number, say 20, and try not to check your phone more than this a day. Believe us when we say this, this won’t work! All you’ll do is think about it and will no longer be able to focus on important things. Instead of this, you must vow not to use the phone in a few instances. Like when you are having your meals, or working, or studying; this will automatically limit phone usage.

2. Take Help From Apps

Today, there’s a mobile application for everything! Smartphone usage trackers can also be found. If you’d ask us for advice, there is an application known as Social Fever on the Google Play Store. With this application, you can track the amount of time you’ve spent on social media, how many times you have unlocked your phone, etc. When the statistics will be at your sight, you’ll notice that you would have invested your time in anything else. We often get so lost in surfing the Internet that we forget how much time we have wasted. If you are using this app, a continuous timer will be at your side, encouraging you to get off your phone and break smartphone addiction.

So try out Social Fever now and move towards a healthy routine of using your phone.


3. Get Rid Of Unnecessary Apps And Customize Your Notifications

We are drawn towards our phones because of the notification beeps that are popped up. The reason behind this is we have a lot of unnecessary applications on our phones. This not only consumes space and makes your phone laggy but also distracts you from concentrating. You may feel bad while uninstalling those applications, but once you’ve done it, results will show up for sure.

 4. Kick Your Phone Out Of Your Bed

Most of the time, we feel sleep-deprived and the culprit is our smartphone! We don’t realize this, but because we are unable to break smartphone addiction, everything we are indulged in is getting affected! Like it or not we need a smartphone usage tracker! So, don’t let the phone become the first and the last thing you check. Try switching to a traditional alarm clock and you will thank us later.

 5. Try Turning Your Phone To Grayscale

We cannot get off our shiny phones because most of the time we are attracted towards the colorful presentation in it. The most jarring way to limit phone usage is to make its screen much less desirable to look at. Imagine your phone being black and white, then the Instagram stories will not be as appealing as they are and you’ll be able to stay off your phone for longer duration.

6. You Can Even Make Your Passwords Complicated

Well, if my password is 18 characters long and has a combination of small case and uppercase characters, then it will become quite difficult for me to log in. If you type your passwords wrong more than three times, it locks you out for 30 seconds. This can also help you to stay away from your beloved smartphone.

 7. Have A Phone-free Day Every Week

We are so dependent on our phones because they are accessible all the time to us. If you stay without your phone for a day every week, you’ll be able to manage your addiction. This will help you bond more with your real friends and reduce your dependency on your phone. Today, you become highly vulnerable if your phone gets stolen. However, once you can manage your phone addiction, this vulnerability will also cease to exist.

We hope that these tricks help you out. We know that addictions start when there are too many things to take care of in your life, but sticking to the phone and getting addicted to it won’t help you at all. So, be phone-free and live more!

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