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With both the books and show being famous for their fantastically well-fleshed out and morally grey cast, the seven deadly sins of gluttony, envy, sloth, pride, greed, lust, and wrath can be found all throughout Game of Thrones. In some cases, characters were never able to change their ways and often tragically died as a result of their sinful habits.

7 Gluttony: Robert Baratheon

Although Robert Baratheon was well acquainted with a number of the seven deadly sins, especially after becoming king, it was his gluttony, along with a little Lannister help, that eventually led to his premature death. Once the strongest hammer-wielding man in the kingdom, Robert’s newly acquired girth was the first thing that old friend Eddard Stark remarked upon after years unseen, and the reasons behind it soon came clear to Ned.

Throughout the first season, Robert is constantly demanding more food, more wine, as well as more tournaments and feasts so that he can have even more food and wine. The only other thing he demands is the breastplate stretcher, which he wishes existed as he has grown too large for his armor.

6 Envy: Theon Greyjoy

Theon Greyjoy’s story was one of sorrow and regret, and although he redeemed himself in the end, the most tragic element of his life was the avoidable nature of it. Taken ward as security for his father’s loyalty, Theon Greyjoy grew up away from his family and the love a young boy needs. Although he was treated with all due respect by the Starks and even formed tight fraternal bonds with Robb Stark, Theon was always aware it was not his family.

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Upon returning home he found his sister successful, respected and trusted by their father, while he himself was seen as a green boy. Envious of his surrogate brother and real sister, and eager to prove himself in his own right, Theon set off on a dark path, that would ruin the lives of those he cared about, including his own.

5 Sloth: Walder Frey

Walder Frey was a man of few virtues and many vices, one of these being sloth. Known by his liege as the Late Lord Frey for only turning up to the Battle of the Trident when the outcome had been decided, it is to easy see that he is one who would rather sit on the fence and wait for others to do the dirty work.

Furthermore, for a man who sired so many, he appeared to put in a surprisingly low amount of effort with his children, especially compared with the likes of Eddard Stark and even Tywin Lannister who at least tried. Seemingly the only time when Walder Frey realized his true potential was when it came to planning weddings, and even then most of the work was done by his sons.

4 Pride: Viserys Targaryen

While there are many characters in Game of Thrones who are too proud for their own good, there is only one who died to the golden crown he boasted of. Viserys Targaryen was a man blind to the truth and heavily bound to his pride of being a Targaryen, a supposed dragon, and a should-be-king.

Impatient for his birthright, Viserys ignored all advice and accompanied his sister and her new khalasar on a journey of cultural significance for the Dothraki. Believing himself better, he insistently insulted his hosts as well as Daenerys, and eventually, unable to humble himself for even a moment, his Pride stretched Khal Drogo’s patience too far.

3 Greed: Petyr Baelish, Littlefinger

For a man like Littlefinger, there were only two things he desired, money and the power it provides; and unfortunately for everyone else, he was willing to stop at nothing to get what he wanted. Willing to use and betray anyone, Petyr Baelish’s greed knew no bounds.

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Hailing from the lowest of noble stock, it is likely that his modest origins and a mix of envy fueled his greed. Even having risen to the heights of the king’s small council, with many successful businesses, Littlefinger was never content and never stopped scheming for more. Eventually, he pushed the woman he loved, or had pretended to love, to her death to take control of the Vale.

2 Lust: Cersei Lannister

Game of Thrones is known for featuring lots of sex and nudity, so it should come as no surprise to find more than a few lustful characters who just can’t help themselves. Cersei Lannister’s lust goes beyond the adulterous and incestuous relations with her brother, for the moment he is taken away from her, she instantly seeks pleasure in the arms of her cousin Lancel.

Cersei’s lust comes back to haunt her in numerous ways, from her illegitimate children being the cause of war to her cousin confessing his own sins resulting in Cersei, a former queen, having to perform a humiliating walk of penitence, and finally losing the trust and love of her brother Jaime.

1 Wrath: Gregor Clegane, The Mountain

Although Westeros is full of violence and sin, there are few wholly bad people; Gregor Clegane, the Mountain That Rides, however, is an exception. Exhibiting the sin of wrath with no remorse, this is a man whose only answer is violence, often with no questions even asked.

Examples of his wrath include the dismemberment of his horse after losing a joust to Ser Loras Tyrell, who might have also found himself sliced in two if not for the intervention of Gregor’s brother, and of course the infamous crushing of Oberyn Martell’s head after just confessing to raping the man’s sister and murdering her children.

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