In case you’re new, HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. In other words, it refers to cardio exercises performed at intervals.

HIIT is believed to burn more calories than low-intensity steady state (LISS) exercises, like running or cycling. This can be attributed to the intense, short bursts of power that require more energy than something more steady.

So even though it may sound a little intense, performing HIIT exercises that target the abs specifically could show you some great results.

The best HIIT workouts for abs

Let’s take a look at some of the best HIIT workouts to really sculpt your midsection:

1) Mountain climbers

This is a dynamic exercise that tones the core and improves endurance. Here’s how you do it correctly:

Start by getting into a high plank position on the floor. Keep your core engaged, so your back is straight. Bring your right knee up and tuck it toward your chest, crunching your abs while you do so. Return the right leg back to the straight position and bring the left knee in the same way, crunching your abs before extending it back. Continue this movement as fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds.

2) Plank twists

This HIIT ab burner is a dynamic version of the plank hold, which exercisers of all ages and levels are familiar with. Here’s how to do it correctly:

Start by getting a plank position, using your forearms and toes to support the weight of your body. Twist your hips to the right and drop them to the right side of your body, ensuring your elbows are still planted on the floor. Twist back to bring your hips to the starting position and twist them to the left side. Continue this movement as fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds.

3) Bicycle crunches

This exercise is great for the abs and obliques. It is important to keep your lower back on the floor at all times.

Here’s how to do bicycle crunches correctly:

Start by lying on the floor, face-up. Hold both your hands behind your head, raise your legs up and bend them at the knee, forming a 90-degree angle. Lift your right shoulder off the ground as you try to bring your right elbow up to meet your left knee. Bring the left knee closer to your face. While doing this, extend your right leg straight out, but don’t bring it down to the floor. Crunch your abs as your right elbow and left knee meet. Bring your right elbow back down and extend your left leg straight out. Simultaneously, bring your right knee up and lift your left elbow to meet it. Continue this movement as fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds.

4) Russian twists

This HIIT move is believed to have been developed as a training exercise for Russian soldiers. It is an effective exercise that requires you to maintain an N-sit position and use your core strength to twist from one side to the other.

Here’s how to do Russian twists correctly:

Seat yourself on the ground with your legs bent in front of you. Lean back slightly and contract your core. Lift your feet off the ground and balance yourself on your pelvic muscles. You can adjust your legs and back to a comfortable position. The lower they are, the harder this gets. Keep your shoulders up to avoid slouching. Link your hands together in front of your chest. Maintaining balance, twist your upper body to the left, moving your hands with it and turning your shoulders in the same direction. Then twist to the other side. Continue this movement as fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds.

5) Side plank with twist

The side plank in itself is a brilliant isometric hold, but adding a twist can work wonders for your obliques.

Here’s how to do a side plank with a twist correctly:

Lay on your right side. Prop yourself up on your right elbow and stack your shoulder right above it. Straighten your body by bringing your hips in line with your body. Stack your feet one on top of the other. Raise your left arm up toward the ceiling. Point your fingers upward and ensure they are in the same line as the right elbow and shoulder. This will also place your left shoulder in the same line. Keeping your core tight, twist your upper body and loop your arm through the gap between your body and the ground. Do not rest it on the floor. Twist your shoulders back and loop your arm out. Lift it up to the starting position, stacked above your shoulders. Continue this movement as fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds.

6) V-ups

This move demands additional work by the core to pull your legs and upper body off the ground and raise them upward.

Here’s how to do V-ups correctly:

Lay face-up on the floor with your legs out straight in front of you and your arms straight out above your head. Hover your arms and legs an inch or two off the ground. Lift your upper body and legs off the ground, making sure your arms and legs are straight. Lift them to the highest point you can make them meet. Bring your legs back to the ground as your arms also rotate back over your head, and you return your head and spine to the ground too. Continue this movement as fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds.

7) Hanging knee raises

This is a popular core HIIT move among calisthenic athletes. A pull-up bar or a pair of Olympic Rings would be required.

Here’s how to do hanging knee raises correctly:

Grab on to the bar and hang by your hands. Keep the core muscles tight to avoid swinging and your legs from flailing around. Lift your knees up. Keep your knees bent as you try to drive them toward your chest. Bring your legs down to the starting position. Keep your core tight as you do this, so you don’t end up swinging backward. Continue this movement as fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds.

Now that you have the scoop on the best HIIT workouts for your abs, don’t forget to pay attention to your diet as you attempt to sculpt your six-pack.

Incorporate this as a cardio or post-workout HIIT finisher to really get those abs burning!

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