Relax your grip on the pen or pencil when you write. If you are squeezing too hard, it is likely that the pen or pencil is digging into your skin and rubbing. Take short breaks while you write and stretch your hands to remind yourself not to cramp up and grip the pen or pencil too tightly.

If it is too warm to comfortably wear a thin glove, protect just the area with the callus by wearing a Band-Aid or moleskin over the callus when you write. You can create a donut-shaped pad by folding the moleskin in half and cutting a half circle out of it. Then apply the moleskin donut around the callus. This will reduce the pressure on the callus. [2] X Research source Or alternatively, you can put the moleskin on the pen or pencil to make it softer.

Keep your hand submerged until the skin around the callus becomes wrinkled and then gently massage the callus.

Soak your callus in warm water with Epsom salt dissolved into it. Follow the directions on the box to adjust the concentration of salt to water. [3] X Research source Create a solution of warm water and baking soda. Baking soda is a natural exfoliant. Or alternatively, soak your hand in warm chamomile tea. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties which will soothe irritation from the pen or pencil rubbing. You can also try a warm mixture of castor oil and apple cider vinegar. The oil will have a moisturizing effect and the acid in the vinegar will help soften the skin and promote healing.

Do not use a pumice stone if you have diabetes because it increases your risk of infection. Do not cut or clip the callus away as this increases your chances of going too deep and injuring yourself. [4] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source

Vitamin E oil Coconut oil Olive Oil Aloe. Aloe can be applied using either a commercially prepared mixture, or if you have a plant in your house, you can split open a leaf and apply the soothing, gooey gel directly onto the callus.

Lemon juice, soaked into a cotton ball Vinegar, soaked into a cotton ball A slice of raw onion, soaked in lemon juice and salt or vinegar

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and your doctor’s recommendations for how often to change the patch. [6] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source These medications must be applied carefully, because if they come in contact with the healthy, live skin around the callus, they may cause chemical burns. [7] X Research source Do not use these methods if you have diabetes, poor circulation, or are prone to numbness. In this case, consult your doctor. [8] X Research source

Grind five aspirin tablets into a powder and add a half teaspoon lemon juice and a half teaspoon water. Mix until a paste forms. Apply the paste to the callus, not to the healthy, live skin surrounding it. Wrap it in plastic wrap and put a warm towel on it for 10 minutes. Afterwards scrub away the paste and any loose dead skin.

The doctor may prescribe a stronger medication to get rid of the callus. In extreme cases, the doctor may remove it with a scalpel. [10] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source

Redness Pain Inflammation Discharging blood or pus