And while the show was enjoyable with The Undertaker and Shawn Michels facing off one more time and the chaotic nature of the show, there was a trend throughout the entire show, a trend of nothing making any sense when planning ahead.

This week’s episode of Raw could have been much better, as it had all the potential to tell a unique narrative, but certain decisions ultimately destroyed its momentum.

#1 The Riott Squad take one step back

With all the hate The Bellas get from the WWE Universe their return on Raw this week was memorable to say the least, as Brie putting herself in danger to deliver two suicide dives was admirable. And while The Bellas picking up the win over The Riott Squad was foreseen, WWE could have at least taken a few measured steps to ensure that every superstar in this match came away with their credibility protected.

The Riott Squad was not afforded that protection from the WWE, as they lost to two superstars that have not wrestled in months. While losing is nothing new for The Riott Squad, with the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles being rumored, WWE sacrificing the credibility of the only true stable in the Raw women’s division is a decision they would regret.

#2 The right idea but wrong booking

Just the sight of Drake Maverick dressed in AOP in ring gear is hilarious, and no offense to the 205 Live GM, but this is not a job for him. While Maverick could prove everyone wrong and deliver on making AOP the monster heels they were in NXT, right now it just seems as if WWE rushed an idea that should have had more planning.

The most obvious choice would have been to bring back Paul Ellering, but for whichever reason WWE can’t or won’t consider that easy idea. But Maverick being the man that leads Akam and Razor is simply unfortunate, as someone like Paul Heyman leading these two brutes would have been much more believable, and this is just terrible booking from a creative team that doesn’t understand their performers.

#3 A lackluster night for the women’s division

The fact that Dana Brooke breaking away from Titus Worldwide is the biggest newsworthy story to come out of the Raw women’s division this week is unbelievable, as there is so much WWE is doing wrong with the women’s division at this point.

When stars such as Sasha Banks, Bayley, and Ember Moon are being shoehorned into a meaningless tag team match, you know you are not doing something right, as they should be engrossed in personal rivalries that hype up the first ever women’s pay-per-view.

While Ronda Rousey and Alexa Bliss are putting on a somewhat passable title feud and The Bellas have returned, there is nothing exciting about the women’s division on Raw, as SmackDown Live is knocking it out of the park with their division. WWE needs to improve this situation as they might want to improve the low ticket sales of their first-ever women’s pay-per-view.

#4 Lashley and Mahal hit rock bottom

The former WWE Champion Jinder Mahal and Bobby Lashley took to the ring on Raw this week not to fight, not to argue, but to meditate, and that might sound ridiculous because it is really ridiculous. WWE is all about sports entertainment, but there is no wrestling fan who would want to tune into Raw on a Monday Night and want to watch two former World Champions try and meditate.

This could qualify as one of the worst segments of the year, as it is the lowest point of creativity WWE have hit in a long time, and it is disappointing to see Bobby Lashley, a man who was pegged to take the Universal Title from Brock Lesnar sit in the middle of the ring and look like absolute fool. WWE is ruining their Raw mid-card, and that was not even the worst part of this segment.

#5 Owens returns?

Kevin Owens career in WWE is in a dire state, as the man had been treated like a clown for the last few months, he has been squashed by Braun Strowman on multiple occasions, and the one angle that could have saved his career has been destroyed.

Last week Owens took Seth Rollins to the limit and decided to quit WWE after failing to capture the IC Title; this week Owens returned to the company to take out Bobby Lashley of all people.

Just when fans were hyped up to see where Owens would go next, WWE squashed the narrative in one week, and for what? To put him in a feud with Lashley?

#6 Directionless Balor

Finn Balor faced Braun Strowman in the main event of Raw this week, and Finn Balor lost. How many times have you seen this result? The fact that WWE keeps booking this type of match only to have Balor lose is just annoying. Balor is the inaugural Universal Champion, former NXT Champion, and world-class wrestler. Yet, in WWE, he is just a face that keeps on smiling and a man that keep on losing.

While Balor had the odds against him, and his feud with Constable Corbin is awaiting him next week on Raw, what direction does the man have? Is he chasing a World Title? Is he chasing a card title? Is he trying to rejuvenate himself in the tag team division? What is it that WWE wants to accomplish with Finn Balor? Losing every week on Raw and feuding with Corbin is nothing to be proud of.

#7 This makes no sense

After Braun Strowman destroyed Finn Balor, The Shield returned from their trip to the police station in the same police vehicle that transported them there, and as expected they went after Strowman and his buddies. But what actually happened after that was shocking, to say the least, as the entire heel locker room came out and destroyed Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns in a violent manner.

But the actual assault was not shocking, it was the sight of witnessing Elias, Jinder Mahal, and Kevin Owens, superstars who have all being rag dolled by Braun Strownan over the last few months team up with him, is something that is idiotic for WWE to book. This was one of the worst endings to Raw from a booking standpoint, as Strowman’s alliance with men he once battered and bruised is laughably bad.

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