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Although it is just not enough, as the key issues on Raw are still not being addressed and fixed by the creative team. Repetitive matches, Superstars booking still being lackluster or detrimental to their careers and the inability to help NXT stars to succeed on the show are some of the main problems with Raw. And it’s safe to say that some of those issues are being fixed slowly but surely.

But this week on Raw saw some of the best booking the flagship show has received in years, as many surprising moments, returns and a heel turn elevated the show beyond its boring state. However, did it solve the problem? Well, let us find out what mistakes WWE made on Raw this week and how they could have avoided it.

#1 The Revival is still not a top priority

For many weeks, it was rumored that The Revival is leaving the WWE, as their pathetic booking on Raw has seen them go from the greatest tag team in NXT history to just tag team on Raw. Fans were sick of The Revival being booked as the ‘almost guys’, and Dash and Dawson were tired of it as well.

And for a long time, they stirred the rumor pot of a potential exit from the company, but was all a work by the WWE, as they put the Raw Tag Team Titles on The Revival. It was genius marketing from the company, to misdirect fans like that, and many praised the decision.

However, now it seems like that was not a clever bait from the creative team, but more like a panic move, as WWE not wanting to lose any more talent. Ever since becoming the Tag Team Champions, Dash and Dawson have lost back to back matches against all of the recent NXT call ups, proving that WWE has may not have massive plans for this team.

From DIY beating them on Raw last week to Aleister Black and Ricochet doing the same this week, the fans want to know why WWE is doing this to a team that could legitimize the tag team division on Raw?

#2 A narrative undone

Kurt Angle is one of the greatest wrestlers to ever step into the ring, as Angle in his prime was untouchable in the ring, from his work rate to his pure wrestling skill. But ever since the Olympic gold medalist returned to WWE in 2017, his booking has not been that great.

The tired narratives with The Authority really ruined the special attraction of seeing Angle on Raw, as Triple H and Stephanie McMahon’s autocratic shtick dominated Angle’s time as Raw GM. But ever since Angle returned to Raw as a competitor, things started picking up for the former Wolrd Champion, as WWE crafted a storyline around the fact that Angle is not the competitor he was once.

WWE expertly displayed this notion when Angle lost to Drew McIntyre in a match that cemented Drew as a world beater and Angle as a finished wrestler. And once again WWE showed this when Angle’s loss to Baron Corbin emphasized the fact that the former is past his prime.

But WWE sacrificed all that emotional booking this week on Raw, as Angle took on Jinder Mahal. And instead of building on the running narrative, WWE had Angle beat Mahal in a somewhat lackluster match. The match negated the work WWE put into Angle’s final narrative.

#3 NXT stars lost in the shuffle

For a while now, the NXT call-ups have not been able to make a mark when they debut on the main roster. From Samoa Joe to Sami Zayn, NXT’s greatest heels and babyfaces have all fallen on Raw and Smackdown Live over the years, so what is different when it comes to the booking of the four megastars WWE called up last week?

Ricochet, Aleister Black, Johnny Gargano, and Tommaso Ciampa are all cornerstones in NXT right now, but ever since they were called up to Raw, it was clear that WWE had no plans for them. And that is a fact, as rumors have been circulating that these four NXT call ups were last-minute decisions by WWE.

It continued this week as well, as Ricochet and Black took on The Revival. Sure the match was fun, and the moves looked cool, but what about character introduction? Not many casual fans know who these stars are, and WWE skipping that step just to get them on the show is a mistake.

One way for these stars to succeed on Raw and Smackdown Live is for them to connect with the audience, and WWE has not afforded them that chance as yet. This is a proven method for success, as it worked for The Shield and Kevin Owens among many others.

#4 Monsters lose their aura

One half of Women’s Tag Team Champions Bayley was in action this week on Raw against Nia Jax. We have seen the two face each other in the past as the dynamic of the babyface overcoming the monster heel is a story still relevant in wrestling.

But this week on Raw, we didn’t get any of that great wrestling or even good booking, as WWE made the absurd choice of having Bayley beat Nia in their match. Now you might be thinking that this is not a big deal at all, as Nia has been beaten by Bayley before, but this is a different Nia Jax.

This is a Nia Jax that WWE has been protecting for many months now, from destroying so many Superstars in the women’s division to having her appear in the Men’s Royal Rumble. Moreover, the fact that Tamina and Nia would be taking on Bayley and Banks at Fastlane for the tag team titles, one would think that WWE would want to give the heels a bit of momentum.

WWE chose not to go in that direction as the babyfaces overcome the heels quite easily, which leaves the first ever number one contenders looking lesser threats heading into the match.

#5 Strowman is still a victim

The state of Braun Strowman’s career has disappointed many fans, as this was a Superstar that was pegged at one point to main event WrestleMania, but now it seems like he won’t even get in a good storyline in time for the event. Many mistakes have been made with regards to Braun Strowman’s career trajectory, which has hurt his credibility as the next top star in the company, and WWE keeps on making those mistakes.

This week on Raw, Strowman took on Bobby Lashley in a one-on-one match to settle their scores. Instead of at least getting a slobber knocker of a match, we got a match that ended abruptly after Strowman destroyed Lashley and Lio Rush.

Now while there was nothing wrong with this segment, there was nothing right either, as WWE continues to misuse Strowman on the road to WrestleMania yet again. And we all know that even though Braun got one over Lashley and Rush this week, next week he will likely be destroyed by Lashley’s crew. This is predictable stuff from WWE, and it’s not the booking fans expect for them.

#6 Lacey Evans booking

Rumors had been circling last week that WWE has found the replacement for Ronda Rousey when if she decides to leave after WrestleMania. So could it be Ember Moon, Sasha Banks, Bayley, Mandy Rose or even Naomi to replace Rousey?

Well, its none of those stars, as the reports have stated that Lacey Evans is in line to be WWE’s next top star. Now you might be asking yourself who exactly is Lacey Evans? And for most that don’t really know the answer, you can’t be blamed as WWE has introduced her via ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ cameos on Raw and Smackdown Live.

And this week on Raw, WWE implemented the same booking, as Evans made her ten-second cameo during Elias’ concert, and that is not the way WWE should be booking this potential future champion.

There’s no reason anyone would hate a heel for interrupting another heel’s segment. These cameos will make not make the fans that she is the replacement to the biggest women’s combat athlete in the world.

WWE should have come up with a better way of introducing her to the WWE Universe. Evans walking up and down a ramp won’t help her character in many ways, especially given the fact that she is touted to eventually replace Ronda Rousey.

#7 Monotonous booking for Becky Lynch

There has been nothing but praise for the way WWE has booked the storyline concerning Becky Lynch, Ronda Rousey, and Charlotte Flair.

From broken noses to broken crutches, WWE has really turned up the heat on this storyline every single week, but this week something just felt off. Maybe it is the fact the fans expect something new every week, especially given how these stars constantly draw reaction every time they step foot in the ring. And to be honest, WWE is giving us that, but repetitiveness with Becky’s appearances on Raw might hamper the feud in the long run.

When Becky got her revenge on Rousey and Charlotte at the Elimination Chamber and got kicked out of the arena, it felt fresh, as it was the first time we saw this in this storyline. But WWE doing the same thing on Raw cheapens the excitement of that moment.

Becky’s character has managed to say fresh throughout this entire feud. Hence, WWE needs to use fresh booking methods to make her the hottest thing going into WrestleMania.

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