While it was the controls and finding unique ways to use them that took precedence on the Wii, as well as creating games that would be great for parties of people playing together, that didn’t stop many games from producing high-level writing and animation that became memorable as stand-outs on the console.

7 Red Steel 2

Apart from the unique and incredibly fun idea of using the Wii remote like a sword, the Red Steel franchise also brought some of the very best action work to the Wii. Red Steel 2 added a much more compelling story and cutscenes to the world, which was set in a more advanced, fictional version of America.

Blending swordplay and gunplay, as well as Eastern and Western elements, Red Steel 2 is a memorable entry in the history of the Wii that managed to have great cutscenes and story as well as utilize the unique control system in a fun and imaginative way.

6 The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

While it is considered by many Zelda franchise fans to be something of a lesser entry, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword definitely puts together a fascinating and sweeping story across Hyrule that pits Link against Ganondorf in a world inspired by impressionist and post-impressionist painters.

This serious art style, the beautiful graphics, and the story helped put together a memorable entry for the franchise. While it might not be the best Zelda game, it was still well-received critically and commercially, and the graphical style helps it hold up today.

5 Sin & Punishment: Star Successor

There was never a Starfox franchise game in the era of the Nintendo Wii, but that didn’t stop fans of those games from finding something to love in this sequel to Sin & Punishment. Despite being a rail shooter, there is a lot of heart and story in this sequel that helped fans find something beyond the usually shallow style of the genre.

The story of Isa Jo and Kachi was a fun one, and the graphics as well as the writing took more precedence than bullet hell games almost ever focus on. The devastating final twist as well as the story helped elevate the cutscenes, so they deserve to be revisited today even after aging in graphical terms.

4 No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

While this franchise and especially this game are absolutely ridiculous in almost every way, the graphical side of the cutscenes in No More Heroes 2 actually holds up quite well. The series was popular enough that this game can now be found on the Nintendo Switch, as well as a threequel.

3 Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Samus Aren’s adventures have been called one of the pinnacles of gaming, and Metroid Prime 3 is considered to be the best achievement of the series. Graphics that were solid, a story that was beautiful and scoped, and music that elevated every part of the game but particularly the cutscenes. All of this and more helped create a compelling story for the game.

The adventures in Metroid Prime 3 against the space pirates and versus Dark Samus were strange to franchise newcomers but quickly became beloved. Mixing the Wii remote controls with the hugely compelling story of Samus being corrupted as she travels to the space pirate home world. It was a fascinating and excellent game both then and now, not damaged by time and the graphical lessening in excellence at all.

2 Xenoblade Chronicles

It is easy to put the best Nintendo Wii RPG on this list, as it not only led to a fantastic new franchise and opened up an incredible world but also told a self-contained story that fans could love then and now. The cutscenes of Xenoblade Chronicles were some of the best on the Wii system ever.

The story of the Monado and Shulk as he wields it to try and stop the frozen titan corpses they all live on from being destroyed. The world-building is excellent but the emotional, beautifully-written cutscenes were at the heart of a truly incredible tale that elevated every minute of the gameplay experience.

1 Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Considered one of the best Nintendo Wii games despite being a loose remake of the original Silent Hill game, many fans dismissed this quickly. But not only does the gameplay have unique features that use decisions made by players to deliver an experience tailored to each individual player, but there are also some updated cutscenes that add hugely to the experience.

Silent Hill as a franchise has always had intriguing, and sometimes convoluted, storytelling which adds to the creepy experience of the gameplay for players. Shattered Memories just adds new dimensions, along with fascinating Wii remote controls, to the normal experience of a Silent Hill adventure, and the cutscenes constantly elevate the experience as the game goes on.

More:Wii Games With Great Motion Controls