You should talk with your health provider if you think you might have EDF. Learn more about your options from Healthline. If you’re looking for productivity tips, though, we have you covered. Check out these seven tips tailored for people struggling with EDF.

1. Get More Sleep

According to the Sleep Foundation, a good night’s rest helps with lots of EDF-affected tasks. When you are well-rested, you focus, pay attention, and remember information much easier. Getting your seven to nine hours each night won’t cure the EDF, but it can help.

When you don’t sleep enough, it adds an extra level of difficulty. We know that smartphone addiction can hurt your sleep schedule, but some tech can actually help you sleep. Check out our Cheat sheet of sleep tips, and use tech to your advantage.

2. Use a Decision-Maker App

When EDF makes your reasoning feel slow or difficult, use an app to guide you through the decision. Choice Pro—Decision Maker is an Android app that helps you with reasoning.

You can choose randomly if you know the result isn’t important. Use the Scientific method for more serious choices. Using the Scientific method, you will start by listing all the options. Then, give your criteria for the best choice and rank each option by how well it fits your criteria.

Finally, rank each criterion. Choice Pro will crunch the numbers, and tell you which option, by your own logic, you should pick.

Download: Choice Pro—Decision Maker for Android (Free)

3. Increase Accountability

Working as part of a group with a shared commitment can give you that extra push to get things done. Your accountability partners can also help with reminders.

If you can’t share a workspace in real life, you could join an online community. Shared workspaces like Fiveable are like study halls for remote work.

First, set up a list of tasks, then invite others to the call, or join an existing session. Since everyone in the session is working, it creates natural accountability. You could also create a similar community in your online workspace. Try forming a group using Zoom calls or Slack huddles.

4. Set Warning Reminders

EDF makes time management harder, and it also affects your memory. It can also make switching from one task to another more difficult. With only one reminder, you have to switch tasks and mindsets immediately.

Instead, set three reminders. One ten minutes before the task starts, one two minutes before, and one at a time. Use reminders to start and end your breaks, too. These can help you avoid getting stuck in a distraction.

5. Limit Your Task List

A long list is difficult to prioritize, remember, and organize. These are all mental tasks (executive functions) that EDF impacts. Much like getting enough sleep, a short task list won’t fix the EDF, but it will remove an extra level of difficulty.

Try out the Ivy Lee productivity method, which limits to just five tasks per day. It can also help to break your tasks into steps. This removes some of the reasoning and problem-solving work.

6. Practice Mindfulness

Struggles with attention and memory can make you feel lost in your own mind. Your thoughts might feel more like a fog or house of mirrors than a clear set of processes.

EDF can also make it hard to manage your emotional state. You may feel like you get stuck in a feeling, often without knowing what started it. These feelings can make it hard to work.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps you build mindfulness to control your thoughts. It teaches you how to process your thoughts and feelings without getting lost in them. Mindful meditation builds a lot of the same skills. Due to its popularity, there are lots of apps you can use to practice mindful CBT.

7. Turn Your Workplace Into an Efficiency Zone

EDF makes it easier to get distracted and harder to stay on task. You may feel tempted to remove everything but the bare essentials. But an empty desk isn’t usually the answer.

Having a fidget toy handy can provide a harmless outlet for physical energy if you struggle to sit still. Having a physical agenda visible can help you recall what you’re supposed to be doing.

You should avoid desk clutter that could distract you. For instance, memorabilia from your favorite games or TV shows can take your mind out of work mode.

Take Control of Your Productivity

If you struggle with EDF, it’s helpful to understand the obstacles this condition causes. Then, you can counteract them. EDF is a common side effect of ADHD, so you may also find our ADHD-friendly productivity tips helpful.