Currently, AJ is finally enjoying a successful run in the WWE, again winning championships along the way. Instead of slowing down, AJ seems to be speeding up. It begs the question, is AJ Styles the best wrestler active today? Here are seven reasons that might be the case.

#1 Experience spanning over two decades

Styles is a rare commodity, having wrestled in WCW, ROH, New Japan, TNA, and the WWE. That kind of experience doesn’t grow on trees. His long years put into the business have paid off with expert ring generalship and the ability to perform at a top level.

Though Styles may have more years behind in his career than ahead, he doesn’t seem to be slowing with age.

#2 Adaptability

AJ Styles has never been content to rest on his laurels. He has constantly added new moves to his repertoire, like the Calf Killer submission hold.

When Styles left TNA for New Japan and the Indies, his style changed to reflect where he was now wrestling. The ability to work a match with any wrestler from any type of background is a rare gift and something that must be honed to perfection. AJ Styles can perform any match style with any style of a wrestler, and do so, to borrow a phrase, Phenomenally.

#3 High flying wizardry

It’s not that Styles can perform aerial moves; it’s the fact that he does so with such ease despite his age.

He is on the lighter side for the heavyweight category and is, therefore, able to utilize the ring ropes to their best potential. Whether diving into the ring with his 450 splash or diving out of it with a plancha, Styles is one of the best high flyers in the world.

#4 An electrifying presence

It could be argued that superstars like Austin Aries and Neville are equal to Styles in terms of their experience, adaptability, and high flying attacks, but neither man can lay claim to the latter’s natural charisma.

Striking a balance between wrestling superstar and family oriented everyman, Styles is the wrestler who uses excellence to overcome the odds. His main event status cements his charismatic pull.

#5 That haircut

As Taylor Swift says, “haters gonna hate” and there seems to be an awful lot of hate for his hairstyle these days.

Well, the fact is if style’s haircut trends on social media and incites fans to create signs to carry to the arenas, then that means one thing: His hair is more over than Austin Aries or Neville.

#6 The Pele

With all respect to Randy Orton, this is the true attack that ‘comes outta nowhere.’ AJ’s phenomenal agility and speed enable him to pull off this tricky manoeuvre.

The Pele has struck such luminaries as Shinsuke Nakamura and John Cena, and they can attest as to its explosive ferocity.

#7 The Styles Clash

A devastating combination of a piledriver, flapjack, and sunset flip, the Styles Clash is just as phenomenal as the man who uses it.

What’s really dominating about the Styles Clash is the fact that it leads directly to a pinfall attempt. Ever the sportsman, he is always trying to win the match.

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