While social platforms have a lot of benefits, such as allowing us to connect and reconnect with friends and family, there are signs of unhealthy social media use that everyone should be aware of. If you find yourself doing these seven things, your social media habits could be unhealthy.

1. You Feel Inadequate

According to a study done by The University of British Columbia, social media can impact a person’s happiness level, depending on how they use it.

The study notes: “Viewing images and updates that selectively portray others positively may lead social media users to underestimate how much others actually experience negative emotions and lead people to conclude that their own life—with its mix of positive and negative feelings—is, by comparison, not as good.”

It’s normal to respond to things you see on social media. However, if you are feeling like your life is not as interesting as what you see, or that you’re not good enough, then it could be a sign that you’re letting social media dictate how you feel. If you find yourself comparing your life with what you see on social networks, you might find yourself feeling inadequate.

2. It’s Replacing Face-to-Face Time

If you are not catching up with people face-to-face as much as you used to, and are only looking through people’s posts online, you could be missing out on an integral part of healthy socializing. If social media use is replacing in-person interactions, it might be time to check in with yourself to make sure that your social media use is not bordering on unhealthy.

This doesn’t apply to people with compromised immune systems or disabilities which keep them from face-to-face socializing. But make sure endless scrolling isn’t replacing genuine interactions with others.

3. You Get Social Media Withdrawal

There are many negative effects of social media on people and users. If you find yourself unable to go without checking social media, or if you’re unable to take a break from it for a few hours or days, it could be a sign that you are addicted to it. Unhealthy habits and patterns start when you are unable to give something up, even for just a short period of time.

If you have a fear of missing out on what’s going on in the world, and you’re using social media to check what everyone else is doing, this could be a sign that you are living your life through social media. If you find yourself constantly checking, responding, or commenting on posts, it may be time to take a break and return to real life.

4. You’re Losing Sleep

It’s a sign of unhealthy social media use if you are losing sleep over it. Whether you can’t put it down before bed, or you find yourself waking up in the night to check it, these signs point to an unhealthy pattern that you’ve developed.

5. Your Self-Esteem Is Suffering

Social media is full of people taking selfies. While there is nothing wrong with seeing your friends, influencers, and celebrities taking a few snaps of themselves, you shouldn’t be left with a low self-esteem after seeing or posting these pictures. Similarly, if you are dealing with a mental health diagnosis and what you see on social media is provoking or triggering you, it could be detrimental to your well-being.

6. Social Media Is Impacting Your Relationships

It can be said that social media has some negative effects on relationships. If your loved ones are accusing you of spending more time on social media than with them, it could be a sign that your closest relationships are suffering.

7. You Find Yourself Going Too Far

If you are using social media in an unhealthy way, such as creeping through your ex’s timeline, you could be going too far. This sort of behavior is not only damaging to your well-being, it also won’t help you heal, or move on with your life.

Similarly, if someone has deleted you from their friends list, and you are negatively affected by this, you could be taking social media too seriously. All-in-all, it might be time to step back and assess how to take a break from social media.

Keep Your Social Media Use in Check

Depending on how you’re using social media, you will probably know when you need to take a break. This is why it’s good to keep your social media use in check.

Anything from taking regular breaks, to assessing your social media habits, you can determine whether your social media use is healthy or unhealthy. It’s important to know that nothing will happen if you go without social media for a day or more.