Some built-in Windows 11 features and tools can negatively impact gaming performance in various ways. Disabling some of those features can enhance gaming performance. These are several things to disable for better gaming performance in Windows 11.

1. Memory Integrity

Memory Integrity is a security feature for protecting processes from malicious code and verifying drivers have been signed. However, Microsoft has confirmed Memory Integrity to be one of two features that can spoil gaming performance in Windows 11. This is how you can disable Memory Integrity:

Open Windows Security by double-clicking that app’s system tray icon. Select the Device Security tab. Click the Core isolation details navigation option. Then click Memory Integrity’s toggle button to disable that feature. Restart Windows 11 after turning off Memory Integrity.

2. SuperFetch

SuperFetch (otherwise SysMain) is a service that preloads frequently used apps into system memory. Frequently utilized apps can start faster with that feature enabled. Yet, Superfetch is of little to no benefit for gaming. It’s a background service that consumes some system resources that would be better reserved for games. To turn off that feature, open our guide for disabling SuperFetch on Windows.

3. Virtual Machine Platform

Virtual Machine Platform is another thing Microsoft has cited impacts gaming performance in Windows 11. The VMP feature provides virtual machine (virtualization) services. If you don’t utilize virtualization software, such as VMWare or VirtualBox, that’s probably not a feature you need to have enabled. You can disable the Virtual Machine Platform as follows:

Select the taskbar’s Start button, and type Windows Features in that menu’s search box. Then select Turn Windows features on or off from the search results. Next, uncheck the Virtual Machine Platform checkbox. Click OK to disable. Restart Windows after turning off the Virtual Machine Platform.

4. PreFetch

PreFetch is a similar data caching feature to SuperFetch. The system resource usage of PreFetch is relatively negligible. However, it can cause higher disk drive activity when you’re playing games. This is how you can disable PreFetch by editing the registry in the following steps:

Click the file search magnifying glass icon by the Start menu. Input Registry Editor inside the search text box, and select to open that app. Clear the registry address bar, and input this key location there: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\SessionManager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters Select the PrefetchParameters key. Double-click the EnablePrefetcher DWORD. Input 0 in the Value data box for the EnablePrefetcher DWORD.

5. Superfluous Background Apps and Services

Microsoft and third-party background apps and services more significantly deplete RAM and other system resources games need. Windows 11 has numerous built-in apps with processes that run in the background unless you turn them off. Windows Security is one background app you may need to keep enabled, but it’s safe to disable many of them. You can individually select to turn off (suspend) background apps in Settings like this:

Bring up Apps & features in Settings. If you’re not sure how to reach that part of Settings, check out our how to open Apps & features on Windows guide. Click the three-dot button for a background app to disable. Select Advanced options on the app’s menu. Click the Let this app run in the background drop-down menu. Select the Never option. Repeat steps two to five for all background apps you want to disable. The more background apps you turn off, the more system resources you’ll free up for your games.

Aside from turning off background apps, you can remove unneeded services from the system startup. Many third-party programs have their own services that will start with Windows unless disabled. This is how you can disable superfluous third-party services:

Firstly, start the Run dialogue, which you can bring up with the Windows button + R hotkey. Type MSConfig inside Run’s command text box. Select Run’s OK option to view a System Configuration window. Click Services at the top of the System Configuration tool. Select Hide all Microsoft services to remove the more essential services from the list. You can simply select Disable all to turn off all remaining services for maximum effect, which would be close to a clean boot. Alternatively, individually deselect the checkboxes for some superfluous third-party services listed there. Then click Apply in the System Configuration window. Press the OK button for closing the MSConfig tool. Select Restart on the System Configuration dialog box prompt that opens after exiting the utility.

It’s also recommended users disable some startup programs. They become background apps when they automatically start. Some startup items can even conflict with games.

To disable startup programs, bring up Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc. Select Startup at the top of the Task Manager window. Then right-click the items listed there and select Disable to remove them from the startup.

6. Nagle’s Algorithm

Nagle’s Algorithm is an algorithm that reduces data packets sent for the sake of enhancing network efficiency. However, that’s not so great for multiplayer games that play better without bundled data packets. Nagle’s Algorithm causes network latency, which amounts to more stuttering when playing multiplayer shooters. You can disable Nagle’s Algorithm like this:

Firstly, you’ll need to find your IPv4 address. Open the Command Prompt with a method in our guide for opening CMD. Input this CMD command and press Return: ipconfig Note down the IPv4 address detail. Open Registry Editor as outlined for the fourth method. Erase the current registry location in the address bar. Then input this Interfaces key path and press Enter: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\ The Interfaces key includes a few subkeys with random numbers and characters in their titles. Select the subkey there that includes a DhcpIPAddress string with a value matching your IPv4 address. Right-click in the right pane for the selected key to select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value. Input TcpAckFrequency for the new DWORD’s title. Double-click the TcpAckFrequency DWORD. Enter 1 in the Value box for TcpAckFrequency, and click OK to apply. Next, add another DWORD to the same selected key with a TCPNoDelay title. Double-click TCPNoDelay to view its Edit DWORD window. Input 1 in the TCPNoDelay DWORD’s Value data box and select OK. Then exit the Registry Editor, and select the Restart option.

7. Mouse Acceleration

Mouse acceleration (otherwise pointer precision) enables bigger cursor movements dependent on how quickly you accelerate your mouse. It’s supposed to enhance mouse precision, but in many respects does the opposite when playing action games since quickly accelerating the mouse can throw the cursor across the screen. So, many players prefer to disable mouse acceleration for better cursor target control.

A selected Enhance pointer precision setting on the Mouse Pointers window enables Mouse acceleration. Our guide for disabling mouse acceleration on Windows includes instructions for turning off that feature.

Disable These Things for a Better Experience Gaming on Windows 11

Windows 11 has not been the best-ever Windows gaming platform Microsoft has claimed for many players. Disabling the things above will at least improve various aspects of gaming performance in Windows 11 by variable degrees. However, remember that your PC’s hardware is the most important determining factor for gaming performance. So, check the recommended system requirements for games before purchasing them.