If this is you, you’ve come to the right place. Growing a large following on Clubhouse requires time and intentional effort. However, we’re here to help you get on your way to racking up those numbers.

Read on to find tips on how to get more followers on Clubhouse…

If you want to gain followers, you have to attract them. And what better way to do that than to host rooms on topics that users are curious about and interested in?

Hosting rooms on trending topics in your niche helps you get noticed through Clubhouse search, as users typically search the app for rooms on specific topics.

When a user joins your room and finds it interesting, chances are they’ll check out your profile and ultimately hit the follow button so they can easily find your rooms next time.

You can find trending topics using Google trends, Quora, Reddit, and similar popular tools.

Another way to grow your follower base faster is by collaborating with popular creators. You can try reaching out to creators in your niche to propose collaborations.

There are two ways this can happen: you can choose between hosting them in your room or being hosted in theirs. Whichever option works, you get the opportunity to put yourself out there for people who may find you interesting enough to follow you.

Getting a popular creator to feature as a guest in your room or to host you in theirs clearly does not come easily. You may have to reach out to many before you can get one that will accept your proposal.

Just make sure to put your best foot forward and mention what the creator stands to gain from the collaboration in your pitch.

3. Contribute Actively in Other Rooms

You don’t need to be a host or a special guest to contribute in rooms. Most chat rooms have sections where they allow listeners who have “raised their hands” to share their thoughts on the subject being discussed.

You can raise your hand and ask to make contributions in rooms hosted on topics you’re a subject-matter expert on. If you’re able to demonstrate your expertise on the topic at hand, chances are other listeners will check out your profile and possibly hit the follow button before leaving.

You can use the search bar to find rooms on topics in your niche. Simply type the topic in the search bar and choose from the available options.

If you have a loyal following on any of the popular social media platforms, sharing your room links can also help you grow your followers.

These followers on other sites can easily click on the link to join the room where they’ll see your Clubhouse profile and follow you.

Even if you don’t have a large following on other social networks, you can still benefit from sharing your room links on your social media. Say, for example, you share your room link on Twitter, people searching for that topic on Twitter will find your tweet and can choose to join your room from there.

See how users can find your Clubhouse room link on Twitter below:

5. Follow Other Users

Not the best option if you’re aiming for celebrity status. However, if you don’t mind your following list growing together with your follower list, you can try growing by following other users.

You can start by uploading your contact list and finding people in your network who are already on the app. When you follow your friends, there’s a high probability that they’ll return the favor.

Following other users doesn’t have to end with people in your network. You can also follow other people who share similar interests with you and, hopefully, earn a follow back, if they find your profile interesting enough.

6. Invite Friends and Ask for Follows

Another quick way to gain a few more followers is by inviting people in your network who are not yet on the app to get on it. Thankfully, you’re no longer restricted to just two invites as Clubhouse is no longer invite-only.

You can now invite as many people as you want, provided they are on your contact list.

Users who join through your invite are most likely going to follow you first. And even if they don’t, you can still ask for a follow, as long as you’re not pushing it.

Inviting people in your network to join the app not only helps you get more followers; it also boosts the overall appeal of the app, as you’ll have more people to interact with. This makes it a win-win.

7. Make Your Profile Follow-Worthy

The tips shared so far are tried and true ways to get noticed and grow your following on Clubhouse. However, you can apply all these tactics and still not get many followers if your profile is not follow-worthy.

There is no template for a follow-worthy profile. Celebrities don’t need to do much work on their profile to gain a following, having already distinguished themselves in their various fields.

If you’re not a celebrity, the least you can do to be follow-worthy is to have a complete profile. Put your best foot forward. Craft a bio that highlights your personality and expertise, with a profile picture to complement it.

Add links to your other social media accounts, if you wish, to have a more rounded profile.

Establish a Presence on Clubhouse

These tips may not work magic on your follower count, but they’ll help get you on your way to becoming an established profile on Clubhouse. Applying these tips consistently will help you grow your Clubhouse numbers with time.

Growing your follower base on Clubhouse takes a long time. If the thought of building your followers list from scratch bothers you, there are alternative platforms you can use to host audio rooms.