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However, a lower rating doesn’t always equal a bad movie, sometimes it’s just a question of personal taste. Some relatively recent sci-fi movies from the 2010s weren’t such big hits but they still deserve more attention and it’s worth streaming them online.

7 Priest (2011)

The comic-book-inspired Priest got a lot of hate from the audience but it’s not a bad movie. It creates a complex, mostly demolished world that’s a joy to discover in greater detail. Paul Bettany gives another excellent performance as the titular Priest and Karl Urban shines as the main villain.

Overall, Priest isn’t the most original movie in the world but those viewers who like their vampires brutal and more traditional might enjoy streaming the movie on Netflix.

6 Green Lantern (2011)

It’s true that this superhero movie isn’t as amazing as other ones. However, considering how many superhero movies exist, that doesn’t automatically mean it’s bad. It’s the rare opportunity to see Green Lantern on the big screen which no fans of the superhero should miss.

Ryan Reynolds has already given better performances elsewhere but he’s still fun to watch as the new superhero Green Lantern who discovers his powers. Reynolds likes to make fun of Green Lantern in Deadpool, but the movie that’s available on Netflix right now is still an enjoyable piece for all superhero fans.

5 R.I.P.D. (2013)

Ryan Reynolds is known for starring in action comedies. This one brings sci-fi into the mix as well, and the sheer absurdity of its story might be the reason why many people passed over it or didn’t like it. However, R.I.P.D. is definitely an original piece the likes of which is rarely seen.

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Reynolds plays a cop who dies and joins the squad of undead cops who are catching dangerous beings roaming the Earth. His new mentor is Jeff Bridges’ sheriff Roy Pulsipher, and the two create an unforgettable duo. This buddy cop sci-fi comedy is currently available on Netflix.

4 Hardcore Henry (2015)

Hardcore Henry is also a hardcore watch, meaning it’s not for everyone. It’s told from the point of view of the main hero, so the audience rarely ever sees him. Instead, they view the world as the hero does, via his eyes. Heavily inspired by action games aesthetics, the movie follows the titular Henry who can’t remember anything about his past and is looking for the answer.

That, of course, doesn’t go without a lot of killing. The movie is a fast-paced action flick that all gamers will love but the general audience might struggle with. Just like many underrated sci-fi movies, Hardcore Henry is also streaming on Netflix.

3 Jupiter Ascending (2015)

With the average rating on IMDb only 5.3, it’s clear that this space opera didn’t charm the audience. And the critics weren’t kind to it either. A part of the problem is that the audience expected a lot from the Wachowski sisters after their Matrix (1999).

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However, if the viewers push aside their expectations, Jupiter Ascending is an enjoyable, albeit predictable flick that’s sometimes amusing and visually beautiful. The characters aren’t always sympathetic but the setting more than makes up for it if people want to relax and clear their heads while streaming movies on Netflix.

2 The New Mutants (2019)

With so many superhero movies available, it’s clear that some of them won’t score as much as others. The New Mutants mostly flew under the radar and it didn’t help that their premiere was postponed several times.

However, if one overlooks this, The New Mutants is a decent superhero sci-fi horror with interesting characters and a solid setting. Plus, it’s a short piece for superhero movies (it runs for about 90 minutes), so streaming it on HBO is a good way how to pass a dark evening with a group of friends or even alone.

1 Code 8 (2019)

Thanks to the MCU and the DCEU, superhero movies that don’t belong in either of these two universes often don’t draw as much attention as they would have deserved. Stephen Amell is best known for playing Green Arrow in the Arrowverse but he switched to another side of the barricade in this movie and portrayed an antagonist… to a certain degree.

Code 8 creates a fascinating world in which people with powers aren’t heroes but hunted and pushed aside. A bonus for all Arrowverse fans is that Stephen Amell meets with his cousin Robbie Amell (Arrowverse’s Firestorm) in the movie that’s available on Netflix and they both give excellent performances. What makes Code 8 even more interesting is that it doesn’t have the traditional happy ending so many superhero movies have.

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