You’ll need to do this from a different computer.

Remember, the letters in the box are case-sensitive.

Depending on the recovery options you set up for your account, you may have only one of these options.

Text — Open your phone’s Messages app, open the text from Microsoft, review the code in the text message, and type the code into the text box on your computer. Email — Open your recovery email address’ inbox, open the email from Microsoft, review the code in the email, and type the code into the text box on your computer.

Your password must have at least 8 characters.

If you don’t have access to the computer right now, you can also change your password online.

If there’s a PIN text box instead, you’ll first have to click Sign-in options and then click the horizontal bar icon which appears.

Remember, the letters in the box are case-sensitive.

Depending on the recovery options you set up for your account, you may have only one of these options.

Text — Open your phone’s Messages app, open the text from Microsoft, review the code in the text message, and type the code into the text box on your computer. Email — Open your recovery email address’ inbox, open the email from Microsoft, review the code in the email, and type the code into the text box on your computer.

Your password must have at least 8 characters.

Unfortunately, you can’t use this method to reset the password for a Microsoft account-linked user. If you have access to a Windows 10 administrator account but not the local account, you can use the administrator account to reset the password instead.

Go to http://microsoft. com/software-download/windows10 in your computer’s web browser. Click Download tool now Plug an 8 gigabyte (or larger) flash drive into your computer. Double-click the downloaded tool file. Follow the prompts, making sure to select your flash drive as the installation location.

Your computer’s BIOS key will change depending on your computer’s motherboard, so you may have to look up the key for your computer’s model. Common keys include the “Function” keys (e. g. , F12), the Esc key, and the Del key. If your computer finishes restarting to the lock screen, you’ll need to restart and try a different key.

Your computer’s BIOS key will change depending on your computer’s motherboard, so you may have to look up the key for your computer’s model. Common keys include the “Function” keys (e. g. , F12), the Esc key, and the Del key. If your computer finishes restarting to the lock screen, you’ll need to restart and try a different key.

Your computer’s BIOS key will change depending on your computer’s motherboard, so you may have to look up the key for your computer’s model. Common keys include the “Function” keys (e. g. , F12), the Esc key, and the Del key. If your computer finishes restarting to the lock screen, you’ll need to restart and try a different key.

Find the “Boot Order” or “Advanced” tab. Select your flash drive’s name (or the “USB” option) using the arrow keys. Move the flash drive up to the top of the list by pressing the + key.

You may be prompted to confirm this decision before proceeding.

If your computer goes to the login screen instead of the setup screen, click Power {“smallUrl”:“https://www. wikihow. com/images/5/5d/Windowspower. png”,“bigUrl”:"/images/thumb/5/5d/Windowspower. png/30px-Windowspower. png",“smallWidth”:460,“smallHeight”:460,“bigWidth”:30,“bigHeight”:30,“licensing”:"<div class="mw-parser-output">

I edited this screenshot of a Windows icon. \n</p>

License: <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Public_domain">Public Domain</a>
\n</p></div>"}, click Restart, and wait for the setup screen to appear. You may first have to press a key to enter the setup page. This will usually be indicated by a “Press any key to continue. . . " message.

Type move c:\windows\system32\utilman. exe c:\windows\system32\utilman. exe. bak into Command Prompt. Press ↵ Enter Type copy c:\windows\system32\cmd. exe c:\windows\system32\utilman. exe into Command Prompt. Press ↵ Enter

Type in net user name /add making sure to replace “name” with a username of your choice. Press ↵ Enter. Type in net localgroup administrators name /add again replacing “name” with the name of the user you just created. Press ↵ Enter

Windows 10 will take a few minutes to set up your account.

If clicking User Accounts opens another page with User Accounts listed at the top of the window, click User Accounts there.

You can also add a password hint in the “Type a password hint” text box. This may help you remember the password in the future.

Doing this will prevent you from being able to access your old login keychain, but you’ll be asked if you want to create a new one upon logging in.

If your Mac has FileVault enabled and you don’t know the password to disable it, you won’t be able to use this method.

If your Mac has FileVault enabled and you don’t know the password to disable it, you won’t be able to use this method.

Once the password reset page opens, you can close Terminal.

If the lock icon resembles an open lock, skip this step and the next one.