A simple “I’m sorry! Thank you for correcting me,” and continuing the conversation with the correct pronoun/name usage is the way to go when you accidentally deadname or misgender someone. Include your pronouns in your email signature or on social media.

Support them by being a good listener. Listen to them without judgement. [1] X Research source Make sure they feel safe living with their families or friends and can be what they are in every setting. [2] X Research source Thank them for choosing you to come out. Ask them what you can do to be a good friend. [3] X Research source

Use the singular ‘their’ instead of ‘his/her’ in letters and other forms of writing, i. e. ‘when a colleague finishes their work’ as opposed to ‘when a colleague finishes his/her work’. Instead of using binary language to address groups of people, such as ’ladies and gentlemen,’ try more inclusive alternatives such as ‘folks,’ ‘pals,’ or ’everyone. ’ Use “sibling” instead of “brother/sister,” and “partner” instead of “boyfriend/girlfriend. "