However, simply throwing random questions at ChatGPT will not get you the incredible results people are raving about. For those kinds of exciting results, you need some ChatGPT hacks. And if you’re wondering how to go about it, here are seven ChatGPT techniques to try.

1. Paraphrase Unanswered Questions to Get a Response

ChatGPT is incredibly smart, but it still cannot understand all requests in a way that a human could. If you throw a question at it, and it refuses to answer or gives a wrong one, it doesn’t necessarily mean it can’t answer it correctly. It could be because the question is phrased in a way it can’t understand. Try paraphrasing questions repeatedly whenever you run into situations where ChatGPT is giving wrong answers or refuses to provide one.

2. Prompt ChatGPT to “Continue” Cutted-Off Responses

Sometimes, when ChatGPT is processing a prompt that requires a very long response, the response could be cut-off midway. An easy fix for this? Simply prompting ChatGPT with “Continue” for normal text or “Continue code” for a broken-off code block will do the magic.

3. Spice Up Conversations With Emojis

AI models like ChatGPT do not have personal feelings or emotions. This could make casual conversation with the chatbot a bit too robotic. However, you can spice things up by simply prompting ChatGPT to use the right emoji in its responses.

For a robot tool that doesn’t have emotions, ChatGPT is incredibly good at choosing the right set of emojis, so take advantage of it. For example, you can make ChatGPT use emojis in all its replies by simply prompting: “From now on, use appropriate emojis in all your responses until you are asked to stop doing so.”

4. Describe a Preferred Complexity of Response

If you ask ChatGPT to explain Quantum Computing, it would probably give you a similar response to what your professor already gave in class. Or maybe a Wikipedia-styled response with lots of complicated terms you don’t understand. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can get ChatGPT to provide replies at your preferred level of complexity. How? Describe the level of complexity in your prompts.

Some handy complexity options include:

Explain like I’m five (years old) Explain with relatable examples Explain as you’d explain to a farmer (you can replace farmer with any profession you are conversant with) Explain in football terms (you can replace football with any sports you are conversant with)

5. Get Industry-Specific or Niche Response

ChatGPT is a general-purpose chatbot. As a result, its responses are quite generalized and may sometimes include words or concepts that aren’t relevant to the current context or your niche of interest. Fortunately, with simple tweaks, you can get ChatGPT to fine-tune its responses to align with a specific industry, niche, or profession.

For instance, if you want a conversation about the legal profession, you’ll probably want ChatGPT to use legal lingo rather than general English words. To achieve this, you’ll have to prompt ChatGPT to act as a legal entity, followed by more specific instructions to help it provide even more context- and industry-specific responses. Some good examples include:

I want you to act like a football analyst I want you to act like a storyteller I want you to act like a lawyer

You can get creative with how you want ChatGPT to act. If you need more help, the Awesome ChatGPU Prompts GitHub repo is stacked with ideas on how to get ChatGPT to act like someone or something.

6. Get ChatGPT to Respond In Specific Styles

Just like you can get ChatGPT to act like an entity, you can also get it to provide responses in certain styles. What kind of styles? Well, it’s solely a matter of your imagination. For example, if you prompt it to write a poem, you can ask it to write in Shakespeare’s style. If you ask it to write a song, you can ask it to favorite in the style of your favorite musician or songwriter. Some example prompts for inspiration include:

Write a love poem in the style of Shakespeare Write an intro of a book titled “The Angel of Death” in the style of Harold Pinter

7. Jailbreak ChatGPT

In case you’re wondering, yes, jailbreaking ChatGPT is a thing. There’s an entire community of Redditors working tirelessly to find creative new ways to break their instance of ChatGPT.

The first few days of ChatGPT were very blissful for users. They could use any prompts they wanted and customize ChatGPT to do virtually anything, even going against its core programming.

However, for safety reasons and probably as a business move, the OpenAI team started putting several restrictions on ChatGPT. Some people argue that the restrictions have made ChatGPT less exciting and launched a campaign to bypass those restrictions. This is the idea behind jailbreaking ChatGPT.

Jail-breaking ChatGPT requires creatively composing ChatGPT prompts such that they’re able to force the AI chatbot to ignore some of its core programming. As a result, it lets you use ChatGPT in far more exciting ways than would normally be possible due to hard-coded restrictions.

We asked ChatGPT to write a football commentary in the style of the legendary football commentator, Peter Drury. Unfortunately, it somehow refused to answer it.

However, after jailbreaking an instance of ChatGPT, it had a lot to say.

To perform the jailbreak that forced ChatGPT to respond to the prompt above, we used a safer variation of the popular DAN (Do Anything Now) jailbreak popularized by Reddit’s ChatGPT community.

Here’s the prompt below:

Harmful jailbreaks (which we strongly advise against) allow ChatGPT to give potentially harmful responses. They are sometimes used by malicious actors to make ChatGPT more favorable for creating Malware. They sometimes get blocked by the OpenAI team once they are made public. The rapidly growing subreddit r/ChatGPT plays host to several ChatGPT jailbreaks you can use to get the chatbot to do many exciting things. With a jailbreak, you can get ChatGPT to take on a variety of interesting personalities.

Get Creative to Enjoy ChatGPT

One of the best things about ChatGPT is that there are no hard rules. You don’t necessarily have to follow a rigid formula to use the AI chatbot. How much you can utilize the chatbot boils down to how creative you can get with your prompts.

While you’re welcome to use all of the hacks we’ve shared above, you’ll need creativity to solve your own unique problems using ChatGPT.