Making a list helps you to realize the amount of time that you have spend on the electronic device; this allows you to realize how much time and energy you have extended onto the electronic device(s). It is by understanding this that will help to motivate you to come up with a plan to replace the energy and time that you have wasted on the electronic device and to use the time and energy more productively to get other things done.

You can base your limit on time used on particular devices, or on which tasks you’re going to let yourself do. For example, you might decide only to use the computer for one hour a day, or you might decide only to use it on homework or workplace tasks, but not for any recreational activities.

If you have set time limits for yourself, consider using timers and alarm clocks to help you stick to them. Otherwise, you might lose track of time and unintentionally break your new rules. [4] X Research source It might help you avoid temptation to actually physically remove the electronics from your view. Ask a parent, roommate, or friend to keep your gaming system or tablet away from you until your next time for use. Alternatively, remove the power chords and any batteries and stow them out of sight, where you’d have to actively go and get them in order to break your plan.

Try hanging with your loved ones. Your family is your first priority, before electronics. Go see your parents; parents are good company usually. Or, see that movie you’ve been dying to see with your friends, or go out and have fun at the clubs! Work out! Try a gym, or even at-home workouts. There are many workouts out there that are fun and easy, this will distract you. Get a job. Some jobs may be boring, but then you have time to kill. You don’t need some fancy job if you’re a teen; work somewhere simple and interesting. Plus, it can get you college money. Read a book. You may be surprised how engaging a great storyline or interesting nonfiction piece can be. If all else fails, try a vacation. Go to the beach or some place you have always wanted to go to.

If you really feel you have an addiction that is interfering with your relationships and responsibilities, consider seeking help. There are therapists who specialize in addictions of all kinds, as well as in-person and online support groups (as ironic as it sounds to attend an online support group for an addiction to electronics, these groups can still help you through such an addiction, depending on what kind of electronics you’re addicted to).