You can also turn your garment inside out and flush the stain from the back with cold club soda and salt. If this didn’t work for your blood stain, go ahead an try the next steps below.
Do not use warm water as that’ll actually set the stain instead of removing it. If these steps didn’t get rid of your stain, try any of the ones below.
Note that lemon juice can lighten your garments color. It’s best to use this method on light or white jeans.
You can get meat tenderizer in any convenience store. If none of the above steps worked on your blood stain, give the last one below a chance.
This method might not be enough for big or deep-set stains. Try the steps below if the paper towel didn’t fully absorb your stain.
If you’re on the go, the next step might be easier to implement.
Artificial sweeteners are particularly good when you’re out and about. If none of the above steps worked for you, go ahead and try this last option below.
If this wasn’t enough, go ahead and try the next steps below.
As an alternative to this step, you might consider the next one.
If hairspray makes you cringe, or you don’t tolerate the smell, skip to the method below.
Some people can’t stand the smell of vinegar. If that’s the case for you, skip ahead to one of the following options below.
This is a great preventative measure as well. You could use the mixture on shirts you know you’ll sweat in (like gym shirts). Keep in mind that lemon juice might lighten your jeans’ color.
If this didn’t work for you, try one of the steps below.
As previously mentioned, avoid all types of water on greasy stains. Club soda and salt work especially well on coffee stains.
If this step wasn’t enough to make your stain disappear, try one or more of the following steps below.
Note: this trick is only meant for white jeans.